At Christ Fellowship Cherrydale, we share good news. We believe that the gospel is to be taken to the ends of the earth. One way that we share good news is sending and partnering with missionaries all around the globe.

Central Asia
Prior to marriage, Heath was a member at Cherrydale, and Ashley joined when we married in 2014. Shortly after, we moved to Louisville for seminary, and started our family there. Our children are currently 5, 4, 3, and 2, and we have a baby due in January. We were appointed with Reaching and Teaching in January 2021 before moving our family to Central Asia in July 2022. For the last year and a half, we have both been learning language, getting acclimated to life here as a family, and Heath has served on staff as a Pastoral Resident at our international church.

Czech Republic
I am originally from the Mauldin-Simpsonville area and graduated from Anderson University in 2019. In college, I spent six weeks in Prague with Summer LINK and knew I wanted to serve in Prague ever since. After college, I lived in Greenville, where I was part of the Stuckey/Pisano small group. In 2021, I finally moved to the Czech Republic to serve at the Christian International School of Prague, where I teach English 9, Professional Communication, and Christian Worldview and Ethics. I also serve as a recruiter and the admissions visit coordinator.

Marsielle, France
The Davis family has been working in Marseille, France since August 2018 after having led a church plant in the Denver, Colorado metro area from 2009-2017. Todd served in the church as lead pastor until God moved in their hearts towards more direct involvement in gospel work. They are now serving with a church plant in France and working to develop a community center in their area.

My name is Mungunsukh. I'm 46 years old. My wife's name is Nasantogtokh, 44 years old, and we have two children. My daughter is 14 years old and my son is 4 years old. I graduated from Evangelical Institute of Greenville, SC, in May 2020 and now we have decided to serve the Lord full-time with my family in Mongolia. My wife and I are teachers and we have worked with children and youth since graduating. During this time we have been sharing the Gospel of Christ in many ways. The scope of our service is to raise children and young people in the Lord, and also to cooperate with their parents, as well as to cooperate with Christian teachers of Mongolia.

We (Tim and Lillie) have been married for 23 years after we met at Northland Baptist Bible college. We studied missions and after marriage we lived in Colorado for 10 years. We have served as missionaries in Peru for 11 years now with our 5 children. We presently live with our three youngest children Stephen, Sophia, and Elijah in the Amazon Jungle. Our two oldest are adults and now live in the United States.

Anna & Johnny married in 2005 and have three children: Jacob (10), Linnéa (8) and newborn Joel. Before entering seminary and vocational ministry 16 years ago, Johnny has a background in marketing. We are Swedish natives working for a reformation in our country. We do this through a three-stranded strategy: church planting, leadership training and indigenous publishing. We planted Gothenburg 8th Baptist five years ago, serving as a beachhead for further planting and training. Since then, we've had the privilege of helping to plant four other churches.

Southern Europe
We are Neill and Beth Marks, and our family is currently raising support for long-term global work in Southern Europe. In 2010 I (Neill) joined a team that planted a church in Brighton, Colorado where I served for 12 years in a lay capacity. Beth grew up in Colorado and settled in Denver in 2010 and shortly joined Redeemer Bible Church as well. We were married in August of 2012 have five daughters: Renae 10y, Adelaide 8y, Charlie 7y, Hazel 6y, and Jane 4y. When God directed us to pursue missions, we left Colorado and moved to South Carolina to be closer to family as we build our partnership team. We have lived in SC and are current members at Christ Fellowship Cherrydale.

Robert Masereka is my name and I am married to Annet Mbambu. God has blessed us with three children: Ewart, Ella, and Elton.

Middle East
The McComb family has lived and served in the Middle East and North Africa for five years. Their hope and prayer is to labor among the unreached people groups until these nations are reached with the gospel and develop local leaders in the faith.

North India
My name is Anant Jeevan (AJ) Mishra, I'm 48 yrs, and I've served the last 32 years in different places of North India. Currently, I am serving in Uttar Pradesh. My wife's name is Snehlata, she is 62 and is a retired nurse. Our daughter's name is Christina, she is 22 and is currently a nursing student in her second semester. I am from the village Bhagalpur, District Deoria in Uttar Pradesh. My wife and I have been married since October of 1999. For the past 13 years, I have organized leadership and discipleship development meetings, family and marriage seminars, medical camps and children’s camps.

Vienna, Austria
My name is Matthew and I’m a pastor at Christus Gemeinde Wien in Vienna, Austria. I’ve worked in vocational Christian ministry since 2016 and I’ve been a full time pastor since February of 2023. Im married to Lina and we have 3 children: Jonathan, Bomi, and Augustine.

I am Josh Springs from Greenville. I am teaching TCKs in Turkey. I am in my second year of teaching at this school.

Isaac & Eden
North Africa
We are Isaac & Eden. We have been married for over three years and have been on the field in North Africa/Middle East since 2021. We are graduates of the Language Department of North Greenville University where we met and became members at CFC during our time at NGU. Isaac is originally from the Appalachian country of Kentucky and Eden grew up in Greenville, SC. On the field, our outreach focus is mainly towards Muslim young adults and college students through our cultural exchange platform.

North Africa
We're the Trainer family: Josh, Allysa, August, Asa, and Jude. Josh is from South Carolina and Allysa is from Ohio. We both attended and met at North Greenville University. We've been with Frontline for 2 years working with missionary candidates as they discern how to pursue long-term work in difficult places. This program is called the Frontline Experience. In the next year we are transitioning to North Africa to continue our current role and joining a team focused on sharing the Gospel, making disciples, and planting churches.

I (Vlad) am a church planter in Moscow, Russia, and also a director of a Pastors’ Training Program in the Russian National Ekklesia Church Movement. Me and my wife Lora live in Moscow, Russia. We both are 44. We are married for 24 years, and have 5 children: Eva 23, Emma 22, Lev 19, Joseph 16, Ivan 15. Three youngest live in our home. I have a MTh degree from Novosibirsk Biblical Theological Seminary, Russia. I served as a pastor for 20 years. I have planted three churches as a planter or as a pastoral team member. The current church plant I pastor is 6 years old, and has a membership of 61 people.