At Christ Fellowship Cherrydale we believe that singing is an integral part of the gathered body. We believe this because scripture commands us to sing to the Lord and make a joyful noise to the God of our salvation. (Psalm 100, 96:1-3, 95:1-2)

We are diligent to pick songs that remind us of the story of the Gospel. Through our service we give praise and adoration to our God, confess our sins and need for Him in our daily lives, and thank God for the forgiveness of sin that He offers to those who believe. We worship as a community through singing, prayer, reciting creeds, congregational Scripture reading, taking communion, and celebrating believer's baptism.
We believe in the importance of congregational singing and know that it is for the benefit of the church to hear one another sing. In Colossians 3:16, we see that the individual is to let the word of Christ dwell richly within them and in return, they are to teach and admonish one another as they sing. We believe that singing together the truths of the Bible brings life and refreshment to the believer as the Holy Spirit works in our midst to reveal the truth of God to our hearts and minds.